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Friday, July 29, 2011

Anisa Pohan: Promoting Batik in the United States

By Devi Apriani

She also creates in making wearable outfits in various occasions.

She also mentioned of her experience as Ramadhan comes along. As a wife, and also the mother of Aira Yudhoyono, Annisa had the marvelous experience of going through the fasting and celebrating Aidil Fitri in other countries. Going in the Ramadhan month of this year, there is a possibility that she would be going back to the USA along with her husband and soon to be 2 year old Aira. "I had my full month of fasting and also celebrated Aidil Fitri there last year. It may be the same for this year, but I still don't have my departure schedule," continued the lady who was once a broadcaster for a radio in Bandung.

To fast in another country and not being surrounded by her beloved family gave a whole new experience for the daughter of Aulia Pohan. One experience is never hearing the prayer call (adzan) for the lengthy distance of the mosque. Asie from that, as a minority, the atmosphere of fasting is far different from what she knows in Indonesia. The Aidil Fitri celebration experience of last year becomes something new for her and her nuclear family.

"There is no holiday there during Aidil Fitri. Over here there is holiday and you get to have a gathering with families and relatives. But Alhamdulillah las celebration fell on a Sunday, making us able to have Ied prayer calmly without being chased off by my husband's campus schedule. It was such a great time being able to gather with fellow muslims from various countries, and after the Ied prayer, we had a open house," said the shampoo commercial star.

Even when she can't gather with her big family in going thfough the fasting month and celebration, Annisa still feels good because what she's doing is her responsibility as a wife that must accompany her husband. And also, to comfort and give her reassurance is her daughter, who is now very witty and does a good job in making her laugh.

source:  arti 31 magazine edition
READ MORE - Anisa Pohan: Promoting Batik in the United States

Designing Geometrical Islamic Wear

By Devi Apriani

Architectural background influenced her in creating an outfit.

Ten years ago Islamic wears were still clothing worn by only muslim women. The models were also rather simple without any accessories added. But now, the progress of Islamic wear fashion is very rapid and has become a trend. Various designs allow the muslim ladies to become more fashionable.

Events of fashion shows were then held to accommodate the creativity of Islamic wear designers. Names such as Iva Latifah, Jenny Tjahyawati, Ida Royani, Merry Pramono, Monika Jufri, Anne Rufaidah, Dian Pelangi, and of course: Hannie Hananto, are some of the most well-known Islamic wear designers with renowned works.

As seen in a fashion event a while back, around 10 Islamic wear designers participated in displaying their latest creation in welcoming the 2010 month of Ramadhan. The event that is aspired to be Indonesia's first step in becoming the "mecca" for Islamic wear; opens up more chances for the fashion industry doers. And Hannie Hananto is one of the Islamic wear designers who is consistent in maintaining the quality of her designs.

Hannie Hananto started concentrating in the Islamic wear fashion since year 2004, beginning with her involvement in the Islamic wear design competition held by a magazine. Hannie who has an architectural background won runner-up in the competition. It is from there that she began to have self-confidence and continues to give more color to the Indonesian Islamic wear fashion.

"At first I design with minimalist lines. Since I have architectural background, I like geometrical shapes. Flowers confuse me," she laughed.

Her design style that always put in the elements of lines and squares become unique when applied into various kinds of cloth with trendier cuts. She even had the time of designing Islamic wear with futuristic theme, displaying a new image to the Indonesian muslim ladies. She wishes for muslim ladies sense of fashion to be unlimited. According to her, right now muslim ladies are considered active people with various activities; thus they are demanded to pay attention to their appearance.

"I feel that Islamic wears do not limit ladies to not paying attention to their appearance. There used to be the impression that ladies with Islamic wear are weak, frail. But look now, almost in all sectors there are ladies with Islamic wear. I wish for them to follow the shifts of era, to stay stylish and have the look of power. Don't get stuck in the monotonic style, exploration is a must," she wished.

For her Ramadhan month collection this time, Hannie chose the theme of 'La Mozaique'. And in accordance to the theme of carrying traditional cloths, this time the tartan sarong 'Makasar' from Sengkang, Wajo District of Southern Sulawesi became the base material used; applying the loose cut style cutting, inspired by the bodo wear and African style of ladies wear which is the Kaftan.

"This is the third time I use traditional cloth. To be honest, it is more costly because I have to make it one by one, manually. Automatically the price for one piece of outfit becomes more expensive. However this is one of the efforts in preserving and carrying out the heritage of traditional cloth. We have to give full support," said the designer who is also looking for inspiration from interior design books.

The designer who also has a readyto-wear line under the name Anemone admitted that the rivalry in Indonesian Islamic wear fashion goes head to head. It is quite different from the time she first started. Nowadays there are more designers that also launch Islamic wear fashion and it gives more options to the people. But Hannie claimed she is pleased because this shows how the Indonesian Islamic wear fashion has evolved very rapidly.

Hannie who never misses issues of fashion in the global catwalk continues to work with her unique style of lines, geometrical shapes and also bright colors. For her, to have a unique style is a must for every designer. That is why architectural books become inspiration materials in each her design.

Source: arti magazine 31 edition
READ MORE - Designing Geometrical Islamic Wear

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Batik for Sexy Dancer

Becoming more sexy body with wearing a minimalist dress. Style batik cloth, or even batik cloth (batik), are now increasingly used for base material minimalist clothing for women. Is this a manifestation of the spirit of nationalism or an implicit attitude of the political economy?
READ MORE - Batik for Sexy Dancer

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sexy with batik

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Sexy Batik

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Batik Charm
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Village Charm

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Batik Style for Lingerie

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Batik Style for Lingerie

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Ika Butoni Batik Cloth Colection

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Ika Butoni Batik Cloth Colection

Ika Butoni Batik Cloth Colection
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Ika Butoni's Batik Fashion Show

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Batik of Woman's Aspiration

To cling firmly to the nation’s cultural traditional values and religious excellence, Anang Asmara’s works is felt so strong to philosophic aura. Anang is dedicated and loyal to document batik motives on his canvas. His canvas surface is occasionally full of batik designs, but sometimes he also displayed the wearing function of batik cloth wrapped around the figure who is using it.

Batik in Anang Asmara’s view appeared as something that is stuck to simplicity. That impression came from the fact that figures wearing batik in his works. They are common community members, such as female vendors selling vegetables in the marketplace, or female dancers and other traditional art activists.

They are illustrated in simple activities too. In such minor activity as two figures shown while in a friendly meeting (“Areronce Sinambi Jejagongan”) or two old aged women conversing between themselves (“Dialog”). Nevertheless, the simple figures of Anang are not weak ones. Anang just as if wanted to express, how in a simplicity strength and flexibility is actually stored to exercise the hardship of this life. This fact is recorded in the series of Anang’s works - The Ballad’s of Strong Women”.

“The Ballad’s of Strong Women” series appeared to be as Anang’s appreciation for his astonishment upon the personality of woman. Not against the body, but more on the role played by a woman in life. If one may say probably the Javanese woman figure in the past, whose performance was well-mannered and elegant in her batik fashion and “kebaya” (long – sleeved blouse).

Thus it can be concluded that the woman figure’s image wrapped around with batik on Anang’s work is a shape of yearning upon the performance of a Javanese woman in the past. Likewise as it is contained within his works “Maju dalam Gaya, Merosot dalam Moral” (= Progressing in Style, Declining in Moral). There is irony shown through the personality of women presently, in which they became more beautiful, but they are not maintaining the values of politeness anymore. What a pity, a lot of Anang’s work are available in minimalism sizes. As a consequence the large gallery space is felt as “empty”.

READ MORE - Batik of Woman's Aspiration