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Friday, July 29, 2011

Anisa Pohan: Promoting Batik in the United States

By Devi Apriani

She also creates in making wearable outfits in various occasions.

She also mentioned of her experience as Ramadhan comes along. As a wife, and also the mother of Aira Yudhoyono, Annisa had the marvelous experience of going through the fasting and celebrating Aidil Fitri in other countries. Going in the Ramadhan month of this year, there is a possibility that she would be going back to the USA along with her husband and soon to be 2 year old Aira. "I had my full month of fasting and also celebrated Aidil Fitri there last year. It may be the same for this year, but I still don't have my departure schedule," continued the lady who was once a broadcaster for a radio in Bandung.

To fast in another country and not being surrounded by her beloved family gave a whole new experience for the daughter of Aulia Pohan. One experience is never hearing the prayer call (adzan) for the lengthy distance of the mosque. Asie from that, as a minority, the atmosphere of fasting is far different from what she knows in Indonesia. The Aidil Fitri celebration experience of last year becomes something new for her and her nuclear family.

"There is no holiday there during Aidil Fitri. Over here there is holiday and you get to have a gathering with families and relatives. But Alhamdulillah las celebration fell on a Sunday, making us able to have Ied prayer calmly without being chased off by my husband's campus schedule. It was such a great time being able to gather with fellow muslims from various countries, and after the Ied prayer, we had a open house," said the shampoo commercial star.

Even when she can't gather with her big family in going thfough the fasting month and celebration, Annisa still feels good because what she's doing is her responsibility as a wife that must accompany her husband. And also, to comfort and give her reassurance is her daughter, who is now very witty and does a good job in making her laugh.

source:  arti 31 magazine edition


  1. very cute and smart. Who is she? may i get her phone number?
