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Monday, June 13, 2011


One of the unique clothing for men Sundanese people are pangsi, namely black-and-black outfit whose size wide. Basic materials from cotton. Called one, because of Sundanese traditional clothes for men of course there are others besides pangsi. Other traditional clothes such as shirts.

Pangsi including versatile clothing. Pangsi pencaksilat used for sports, but often also used by farmers, artists, and even officials within the customary festivities. History of pangsi not really clear. But there's a thought comes from the acronym pangsi: Panglima Siliwangi ( Siliwangi commander). Whether it's true or not.

Currently, Sundanese people can not claim to be the only nation pangsi owners, because people were wearing pants pangsi Betawi. Also in other parts of Indonesia, some are wearing pangsi, it's just a different color. Some wore pangsi with white, some are full color.

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